
At Ambiator, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. Our eco-friendly cooling system offers the comfort of traditional air conditioning at a fraction of the cost and environmental impact.

The Ambiator is a sustainable cooling technology

that contributes to several of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Good Health and Well-being

The Ambiator provides cool indoor temperature and humidity levels important for maintaining good health, without harmful refrigerants or energy-intensive cooling systems. This is especially beneficial in healthcare facilities, where maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment is crucial for patient recovery and comfort.

Good Health and Well-being

Sustainable Cities and Communities

We contribute to sustainable cities and communities by reducing energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and providing positive Scope 4 emissions by exhausting cooler air than the surrounding environment. As an efficient cooling solution, the Ambiator lowers the carbon footprint of buildings, minimising environmental impact.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Responsible Consumption and Production

Unlike traditional cooling systems that rely on harmful refrigerants, the Ambiator uses a natural cooling process, eliminating the need for these pollutants. This reduces the environmental impact of cooling and promotes responsible consumption and production of cooling solutions for a warming planet.

Responsible Consumption and Production

Climate Action

The built environment is a leading source of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. The Ambiator’s innovative technology cuts energy consumption and emissions, reducing the carbon footprint of buildings and communities. By exhausting cooler air than its surroundings, it also provides positive Scope 4 emissions, helping mitigate the urban heat island effect.

Climate Action

Environmental Impact


High Energy Efficiency

Ambiator 5TR consumes 1kWh where conventional ACs consume 7.5 to 10kWh


5x water saving

with SmartAware IOT device to optimise water consumption


No Urban Heat Island effect

Unlike an AC, the Ambiator 5TR exhausts air which is lower in temperature


Solar compatibility

further reducing carbon footprint


Made out of recycled and recyclable materials

LDPE recycled plastics and steel


6x less Scope 2 Emissions

an industry first

By using an Ambiator instead of an Air Conditioner you save 25,000 kg of CO2e in 1 year, equal to

Trees Icon

Planting 1300 trees

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Taking 5 cars off the road

In 10 years, you save 2,50,000 kg of CO2e, equal to regrowing 200 hectares of the Amazon forest.

Economic Impact 


80% cost saving 

in monthly utility bills compared to conventional ACs


Lower Maintenance Costs

as we don’t use compressors or harmful refrigerants


3 to 6 months ROI

or 1800 hours of use

Social Impact 


Improved comfort from fresh air

Residents’ satisfaction surveys indicated excellent indoor air quality.


Better health

Reduction in heat-related health issues


Circulation of fresh air

Users can keep their windows open while operating the Ambiator

Using an Ambiator for your residence, business or organisation also aligns with various

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles.

The technology is environmentally friendly, as it relies on a natural process to cool the air and eliminates the need for harmful refrigerants. It can also improve social conditions by providing a comfortable and healthy indoor environment, especially in healthcare facilities and other public spaces. Finally, technology can contribute to good governance by promoting sustainable and responsible consumption and production.